Tag Archives: Hey Mercedes

Hey Mercedes

hey mercedes
Courtesy of Chris Strong

Hey Mercedes’ Myspace

Although Hey Mercedes released Loses Control two years before its demise, the album seems to eerily foreshadow the end. Sure, it’s probably a coincidence. After all, pretty much every other musical group has waxed about things being over: Some kind of era or relationship always seems to be coming to a close. But in this case, knowing the fate of Hey Mercedes gives the album’s already bittersweet sound a little extra bite.

With closing lines such as, “We are all done now” (“Go On Drone”); the repetition of the phrase “It’s over” throughout “Unorchestrated”; and tracks with titles including “Knowing When to Stop” and “It’s Been a Blast,” Hey Mercedes’ songs have a definite sense of finality. But don’t write it off as a group of emo kings. Despite all the negativity, the quartet produces tracks that are pleasant, danceable and even suitable for some air-guitar shredding. With steady drum beats, driving guitar riffs and vocals that crescendo to a low roar, Hey Mercedes captures the ideal rock sound.

It’s highly unlikely — OK, nearly impossible — that the band will grace the stage of a local dive bar or release a new album again. But just because something isn’t brand new doesn’t make it any less relevant or enjoyable. Would you ever think of swearing off episodes of your favorite TV show in syndication, wearing vintage clothing or not passing along your favorite story books to your children?

–By Entertainment Editor Ani Vrabel